Wakubwa niwekeni sawa, nilikuwa nauliza Ziwa Nyasa ni Ziwa Nyasa au Ziwa Malawi? Na je, Kwanini Ziwa Victoria liendelee kuitwa Ziwa Victoria na si Ziwa Nyanza? Au ndio kuwaenzi watawala wetu wazungu?

Lake Nyasa or Lake Malawi?
The name of the lake itself is also disputed. Malawi claims the lake is named 'Lake Malawi' while international maps and other countries (most notably Tanzania) claim the name of the lake to be 'Lake Nyasa'. The origins of the dispute in the name have their background in geopolitical disputes that began prior to Malawi's independence in 1964, when it was previously known as Nyasaland.

Further complications emerged for different political reasons in the 1960s, when the then President Banda (of Malawi) became the only African leader to establish diplomatic relations with white South Africa. This was fiercely repudiated by other African leaders, including the then President Nyerere (of Tanzania). The contrasting attitudes and policies gave further impetus to disputes between the two governments, on the name of the lake itself, and the boundary between the two countries.

At present, the dispute between the two governments is largely dormant. Intergovernmental relations between Malawi and Tanzania are largely cordial.

Tanzania-Malawi dispute
The partition of the lake area between Malawi and Tanzania is disputed. Tanzania claims international borders through the lake along the lines of the borders between the German and British territories before 1914; Malawi, meanwhile, claims the whole non-Mozambican lake, including the waters next to the Tanzanian shore. The foundations of the dispute were set when the British colonial government, which had recently captured Tanganyika from Germany, put the water under the jurisdiction of Nyasaland without a separate administration for the Tanganyika portion. The dispute has led to conflicts in the past, though for several years Malawi has declined to enforce its claims to the disputed portion.

Occasional flare-ups in in the 1990s and in recent times have impacted fishing rights, particularly of Tanzanian's who reside on the lake shore, who have occasionally been accused of fishing in Malawian waters.

Quote By Mwawado View Post
Habari hiyo hata Mimi nimewahi kuisikia, hata ukiangalia Ramani ya ziwa hilo linaitwa Ziwa Malawi tofauti na hapo zamani tulipoliona kwenye ramani kama ziwa nyasa. Nashindwa kuelewa kwa dhati kama mpaka umegawanywa upya ama ndio yale yale ya kuambiwa kuwa Mlima Kilimanjaro upo Kenya.Inapaswa mipaka ya nchi yetu iwekwe wazi ili kutokuja kupoteza maeneo na Vivutio vyetu vya asili.

Mpaka wa Tanzania na Malawi una matatizo ya muda mrefu, nakumbuka mwaka 1978 kulikuwa na kurushiana risasi kati ya Majeshi ya Tanzania na Malawi, kwa siku mbili mfululizo kulikuwa na amri ya kutokuwasha Taa katika Mji wa kyela mkoani Mbeya, Kipindi hicho nilikuwa Mbeya, Mkuu wa Mkoa wa mbeya kwa Wakati Huo Mzee Richard Wambura alisema Mwl Nyerere ameamuru majeshi yetu yarudishe mapigo kama itaonekana Banda ataingiza majeshi Kyela. Serikali ya Banda ilikuwa inadai maeneo ya Matema Beach, Mto Songwe mpaka Ipinda yapo ndani ya Ardhi ya Malawi.

Sasa inawezekana kabisa tumelitoa kwa hiyari ziwa liwe upande wa Malawi nasi tumebakiwa na Bandari tupu ya Itungi,ambayo sasa nafikiri haina hata meli moja baada ya TACOSHILI kufa.
Quote By Gamba la Nyoka View Post
Kama serikali imelitoa hilo ziwa kwa Wamalawi pasipo kuhusisha maoni ya Watanzania, basi serikali inalo la kujibu. Huwezi kuwaambia wananchi waliokaa pale miaka nenda rudi eti, hayo maji usiyaguse ni ya wamalawi hayo.

Hili suala ni lazima serikali ilitolee kauli haliwezi kuwa kimya kimya milele!
Quote By Ruge Opinion View Post
Miaka ya 1970 Kamuzu Banda, rais wa Malawi, alitangaza kuwa lile ziwa lote ni la Malawi na akaanza kuwabugudhi Watanganyika waliokutwa kwenye ziwa. Nyerere akasogeza majeshi pale na kumtumia ujumbe Kamuzu aache uchokozi. Kamuzu akanywea.

Tangu hapo hakujawahi kuwapo maelewano rasmi.

Hilo ziwa lilikuwa linajulikana kama ziwa Nyasa kutokana na wenyeji pande zote mbili kuwa Wanyasa. Malawi vile vile ilikuwa inajulikana kama Nyasaland. Walipopata uhuru wakabadili jina na kujiita Malawi. Kwa hiyo na jina la ziwa wakalibadilisha bila makubaliano na sisi. Kwa hiyo kwao ni Ziwa Malawi na kwetu ni Ziwa Nyasa.
Quote By kajembe View Post
Mgogoro huo ulianza enzi ya Kamuzu Banda alipokuwa raisi. miaka ya sitini Kamuzu alikuwa anazungumza kwenye redio yao, Malawi Broadcasting Corporation kutoka Blantyre, Malawi, na kusema ziwa lote ni la Malawi na pia wilaya ya Rungwe na hadi Mbeya ni sehemu ya Malawi.

Kuna siku mwezi wa September 1968 Nyerere alimwita Banda ni kichaa. Alikasirika sana kwa sababu ya madai ya Mzee Kamuzu kwamba sehemu za Tanzania ni za Malawi. Alidai hata Mbamba Bay na sehemu zingine mkoani Ruvuma karibu na Ziwa Nyasa kwamba ni za Malawi. Pia alidai jimbo lote, Eastern Province, la Zambia. Kaunda alimjibu Banda na kusema ni shauri yake akitaka kuanzisha vita.

Kabla ya mgogoro huo, Banda alikuja Tanzania na kukutana na Nyerere mwaka 1962 na kumwambia hakuna nchi ya Mozambique. Alimwambia Nyerere wagawane nchi hiyo. Alimwambia Nyerere sehemu ya kaskazini ya Mozambique, sehemu ya Wamakonde jimbo la Cobo Delgado, "ni lako" Nyerere. Ni sehemu ya Tanzania. Sehemu za Mozambique zilizobaki ni za Malawi, Rhodesia na Swaziland. Nyerere alimpuuza tu.

Baada ya miaka michache, 1968, Kamuzu akatangaza na kusema sehemu zetu za Tanzania nilizozitaja hapo juu ni sehemu za Malawi.

Mzee Kamuzu alikuwa ni mkorofi sana.


Mgogoro wa ziwa umetokana na uamuzi wa wakoloni wa Kiingereza kuliweka ziwa hilo chini ya utawala wao wa Nyasaland wakati walipokuwa wanatawala nchi hiyo na ilipokuwa ni British Protectorate. Walifanya uamuzi huo baada ya Wajerumani kushindwa katika vita kuu ya kwanza na Waingereza walipoichukua German East Afrika - iliyokuwa inaitwa Deutsch Ostafrika katika Kijerumani - na kuwa koloni yao ya Tanganyika. Kabla ya hapo, kutokana na makubaliano kati ya Waingereza waliokuwa watawala wa Nyasaland na Wajerumani waliokuwa watawala wa nchi yetu, mpaka wa ziwa ulikuwa kati ya ziwa. Na ndiyo mpaka huo tu ambao ni halali pamoja na jina kuitwa Nyasa, siyo Malawi.

Uamuzi wa Waingereza kuliweka ziwa hilo chini ya utawala wao Nyasaland haukubadilisha mpaka wa ziwa kihalali kwa sababu mipaka yote ya nchi zetu ilikubaliwa wakati bara letu lilipogawanywa na wakoloni. Ni mipaka hiyo ambayo hata sisi tuliikubali baada ya kupata uhuru na hakuna hata nchi moja ambayo ina haki peke yake ya kubadilisha mipaka hiyo. Hata Waingereza hawakuwa na haki ya kulikiweka Ziwa Nyasa chini ya ukoloni wao Nyasaland kwa sababu walivunja makubaliano yao na Wajerumani ambayo yalisema mpaka wa ziwa ni kati ya ziwa hilo: nusu ni sehemu ya Deutsch Ostafrika ambayo sasa ni Tanganyika, na nusu nyingine ni ya Nyasaland chini ya utawala wa Waingereza.

Hata wilaya ya Rungwe ambayo ilijumuisha Kyela na Ileje ilikuwa inatawaliwa kutoka Nyasaland mara tu baada ya Wajerumani kushindwa vita kuu ya kwanza na Waingereza walipopewa madaraka ya kutawala nchi ambayo ilikuwa ni koloni ya Wajerumani; yaani nchi yetu ya Tanganyika.

Deutsch Ostafrika - German East Africa - ilikuwa ni nchi tatu: Tanganyika, Ruanda na Urundi (nchi ambazo zilibadili majina na kuitwa Rwanda na Burundi mwaka 1962 baada ya kupata uhuru).

League of Nations - jumuiya ya mataifa iliyoitangulia United Nations - iliwapa Wabeligiji Ruanda na Urundi. Koloni hizo mbili za Wabeligiji zilikuwa zinatawaliwa kutoka Leopoldville, mjii mkuu wa Belgian Congo, nchi ambayo pia ilikuwa inatawaliwa na Wabeligiji. Mpango huo ni kama vile wilaya ya Rungwe ilipowahi kutawaliwa kutoka Karonga na Waingereza waliokuwa wanatawala wa Nyasaland na baadaye kiuchukua nchi yetu ya Tanganyika kutoka kwa Wajerumani.

Baada ya vita kuu ya kwanza, na Wajerumani kushindwa vita hiyo, waziri mkuu wa Uingereza, Lloyd George, kwenye mkutano wa League of Nations alimwambia raisi wa USA, Woodrow Wilosn, kwamba aichukue German East Africa, yaani nchi yetu, na kuiweka chini ya utawala wa Merikani baada ya Wajerumani kuipoteza nchi hiyo katika vita kuu ya kwanza. Lakini President Wilson alikataa. Angekubali, nchi yetu ingetawaliwa na USA na tungekuwa koloni ya USA. Baada ya Rais Wilson kukataa kuichukua nchi yetu, Lloyd George akakubali na kusema ataichukua Tanganyika na kuiweka chini ya utawala wa nchi yake ya Uingereza. Tuliponea chupuchupu kuchukuliwa na Wamerika. Nchi yetu ingechukuliwa na Wamerika, labda tusingepata uhuru. Wamerika wangeing'ang'ania nchi yetu kama vile walivyo ng'ang'ania nchi zingine walizochukua bila kuzipa uhuru.

Kuhusu Ziwa Nyasa, kwa kifupi ni kwamba mpaka halali uko kati ya Ziwa. Ni mpaka ambao Wajerumani na Waingereza walikubaliana kuzigawa koloni zao: Nyasaland kuwa ya Waingereza; nchi yetu, Deutsh Ostafrika, kuwa ni ya Wajerumani. Walikubaliana kwamba mpaka wa ziwa ni kati ya ziwa hilo. Upande mmoja tu, Waingereza, hawakuwa na haki ya kubadili mpaka kati ya Tanganyika na Nyasaland walipolikweka ziwa hilo chini ya utawala wao Nyasaland.

Nukuru kutoka kitabu cha Nyerere and Africa: End of an Era, ukurasa 484:

"Dr. Banda also claimed substantial parts of Tanzania, including - Rungwe district - and the rest of Mbeya Region in southwestern Tanzania, as Malawian territory. He also claimed the entire Eastern Province of Zambia, provoking a curt response from Zambia’s president, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, who challenged Banda to 'Go ahead and declare war on Zambia.'

And President Nyerere dismissed Banda’s claim to large chunks of Tanzanian territory as 'expansionist outbursts, which do not scare us, and do not deserve my reply.' The outlandish claim also drew a sharp response from Nyerere who said Dr. Banda was 'insane.' But, he warned, 'Dr. Banda must not be ignored; the powers behind him are not insane.'"

Akizungumza ktk chuo kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, November 1997, Mwalimu Nyerere alisema

"In 1961 we became independent. In 1962, early 1962, I resigned as prime minister and then a few weeks later I received Dr. Banda. Mungu amuweke mahali pema (May God rest his soul in peace). I received Dr. Banda. We had just, FRELIMO had just been established here and we were now in the process of starting the armed struggle.

So Banda comes to me with a big old book, with lots and lots of maps in it, and tells me, 'Mwalimu, what is this, what is Mozambique? There is no such thing as Mozambique.' I said, 'What do you mean there is no such thing as Mozambique?' So he showed me this map, and he said: 'That part is part of Nyasaland (it was still Nyasaland, not Malawi, at that time). That part is part of Southern Rhodesia, that part is Swaziland, and this part, which is the northern part, Makonde part, that is YOUR part.'

So Banda disposed of Mozambique just like that. I ridiculed the idea, and Banda never liked anybody to ridicule his ideas.
So he left and went to Lisbon to talk to Salazar about this wonderful idea. I don’t know what Salazar told him. That was ‘62."
Quote By Simba mnyama View Post

Mgogoro wa mpaka katika Ziwa Nyasa unaonesha ngoma bado mbichi kabisa. Hebu tusome hizi habari kutoka Malawi:

Lake Malawi/Nyasa row: Time to show strong leadership
By Cedrick Ngalande August 6, 2012
At around the time of independence quite a few people in Tanzania wanted to claim a huge part of Lake Malawi or Lake Nyasa . Cool heads eventually prevailed, as most Tanzanians, including the legendary President Julius Nyerere, understood the importance of respecting boundaries emanating from colonial times. During most of Dr Kamuzu Banda’s rule, Tanzania never really pushed this crazy idea of dividing up the lake. The issue was almost forgotten during the rule of Dr Bakili Muluzi and thereafter. In fact, Dr Bingu wa Mutharika commissioned a company to start exploring oil in the lake. Tanzania said nothing at that time. Now we have a new president and all of sudden the Tanzanians are demanding that our government stop all exploration activities in the lake until all border issues have been clarified. Why now? Folks, there is a reason why we have tradition. Tradition may appear useless and outdated but it is important because it usually become established after a long experience. In politics there is what is known as ‘presidential protocol’. These are small things which over the years have proven to be niceties a president must or must not do in order to represent his/her country correctly.

Test for President Joyce Banda to diplomatically manage the dispute on the boundary You would think some of them are not important but they are. Here are a few of them – presidents never bow for other presidents in public; presidents never escort anybody to their car; presidents walk with their arms spread outwards apparently projecting power and being in control; presidents usually put on a solid color (one color) necktie because it portrays power; when two presidents greet each other while facing the camera, each of them jostle to be on the right side so that his palm will face the camera- another sign of power, apparently; when in company of other presidents, they try to be the last one to enter the door – a fatherly gesture; there is an interesting video clip of Chairman Yassier Arafat and PM Ehud Barak jostling to be the last one to enter a room at Camp David. The sight of President George W Bush gently pushing PM Gordon Brown into Number 10 Downing Street before himself angered some British political experts. Statesmanship is a game because image is everything in international politics.

A country’s image depends a lot on the demeanor of its leader. President Barak Obama likes to pat other leaders on their back after greeting them; you thought that was an unplanned coincidence? Just remember, how your father used to pat you on the back when you were a good boy!
It is said that Bill Clinton failed to get a good deal at his summit with Boris Yelsin in Moscow because President Clinton having sprained his ankle arrived in Moscow on a wheelchair. The sight of a sick American president is said to have psychologically emboldened Boris Yelsin. Ghana is said to have regained its respect in West Africa when President J.J. Rawlings arrived at the 25th Organization of African Unity meeting in Togo in July 2000 in a military uniform portraying a very youthful image. The presidency is acted on a world stage. What a president says and does is very important! When Joyce Banda took over the presidency, she made it appear like Malawi will now be doing everything the donor community tells her to do. In fact some British newspapers were so pleasantly surprised with this that they called us ‘a donor fearing nation’. President Joyce Banda went to London and even bowed before Queen Elizabeth, a very strange gesture considering that both are heads-of-state. Well, all these words and actions have now collectively given an image of a weak leadership in Malawi. The world has sensed blood. Now Tanzania has decided it is time to split up the lake. Notice that they did not bring up this crazy idea when Muluzi or Mutharika were in charge. If we dignify Tanzania’s unreasonable request, one wonders what the next thing will be. Are they now going to claim Chitipa? Will Mozambique now claim Mulanje Mountain?

Government must make clear that no part of Malawi is up for discussion – full stop! It is time to show strength. Tell Tanzania that Lake Malawi was, is and will always be Malawian. Surprisingly, after all these arrogant statements by the Tanzania government, our government’s response is at best a whimper. The minister of foreign affairs has issued a statement saying the issue will be settled ‘amicably’. Really, Mr. Minister? What could be an amicable statement? Are you planning to even dignify Tanzania’s unreasonable demand? Do you plan to divide up the lake? How can you have an amicable settlement to an